I received this in my INBOX today - from an officer of the Chamber of Commerce of Rizal Province, using his e-mail address.
I am in a hurry writing this mail to you, I had travelled to UK for an urgent situation and unfortunately for me all my money was stolen at the hotel where I lodged. I am so confused right now, I dont know what to do or where to go. I didn't bring my phones here and the hotel telephone lines were disconnected during the robbery incident. So I have access to only emails. Please can you send me �960 today so I can return home.
Please have the money sent immediately through Western union money transfer
to my name and on this address right below.
Name: Rey De Leon
Address: 110 Palace Road, Tulse Hill
City: London
Post code: E8 4HR
Country: United Kingdom
Mtcn Number:
Name: Rey De Leon
Address: 110 Palace Road, Tulse Hill
City: London
Post code: E8 4HR
Country: United Kingdom
Mtcn Number:
As soon as I get home I would refund it immediately. Please I need you to get back to me so I can let you know how to send the money to me.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you with the payment details now.
Regars and Godbless!
I'd like to make this Statement: Rey de Leon IS NOT MY PAPA.
. My father died in 2003 ... and I have no PAPA
, but applications for the living PAPA position is still open
, as long as he would not want 960.00 UK Pounds. Hahaha
Kidding aside, don't believe it when you get this message purportedly from us. The new hackers have a way of getting into your mailbox, so always clean up your cookies: from the Tools - Internet Options - Delete Cookies, Delete Browsing History, and limit the number of days to keep browsing history into maybe 7 days. I keep them only 3 days.
CCleaner is also free to install .... and i found it very useful.
We have four e-mails .... batangascham -- and batangaschamber -- works with both yahoo and gmail extensions. Personally I also have the meds and medz e-mails. But I use a rose icon -- or a smiley and colored letters as part of my permanent e-mail signature. So if there is no rose, it's not from us.
If you receive just plain text ... telling you to go to links, check with us first. We usually explain LENGTHILY whatever it is we are sending in the body of the e-mail / letter.
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