The Batangas Province Chamber of Commerce and Industry was originally incorporated in 1994 when now Congressman Hermilando I. Mandanas was still Batangas Governor. It passed on to private sector hands right after its organization and Ms. Judex T. Fernando was elected First President and I had been Corporate Secretary in 1995 and served up to 1999 when I moved to work in the big city.
I came back to Batangas in 2004 to find that there is no one serving as Chamber’s Secretary General which is now called Executive Director. The chamber is a non-profit organization and the source of funding dried up. Who would want to work for free? While Ms. Fernando and I were serving as its officers, we were single girls enjoying ourselves attending those meetings in the other cities and provinces and organizing various events and we were both volunteers. We also paid for our own gasoline expenses and assumed all the other tasks without expecting pay. Another person who worked closely with us as volunteer was Mr. Floriano Abuzman who served as Secretary General and Director on a voluntary basis for years. But Ms. Fernando got married in 1996 and I left the area in 1999, while Mr. Abuzman moved on to become the Senior Citizen Federation president.
So I came back to serve the Chamber again in 2004. By 2004, internet cafes were already sprouting and reunited with my friend, we set up a business center and internet café. This is when I spent most of my time in front of the computer and learned to chat, to publish our local newsletter, to receive all the communications from the post and from e-mails and began setting up little blogs.
I wanted to earn money for the organization, as it was difficult to maintain an office and attend all those meetings and conferences relying on the meager membership donations and contributions. Internet blogging was a hit-and-miss thing. It is still a hit-and-miss thing up to now.
I hear of all those people making money but we were not making any. As our e-mails have to be public, I started receiving all those come-ons, bulletins and spam e-mails on how to make money using the internet. All of them would have the JOIN NOW button below the page and ask for your credit card number.
That was 2004! It is 2011 and I have not gotten anywhere but I have read so many tips and articles on how to make money blogging. To read about it is another thing, to be able to put the HTML codes and all those symbols can be so confusing.
But I found my niche in article writing. I have been earning money from short articles I am writing. I have articles posted in : “A Guide to the Best Countries to Retire In, “ “How Should Men Be Involved in Family Planning”, “Parts of a Business Plan,” “Asian Perspectives of Women’s Rights.” I also have articles in entitled Salabat (Ginger Tea), and Durian: The King of Fruits. Look for my real name and my pen name maewrite or maehem when I am in my best elements.
Article writing will not make anyone rich, because you can only write a maximum of 18 hours in a single day and employers/contractors will only be willing to pay so much for an article. But there is real money to be had in blogging if you will be diligent and follow what the gurus and those who have been successful so far are saying.
Everything you need to know about how to make money blogging has already been published somewhere for free on the internet. But you have to find the right information and find someone who is not giving you a lot of “bull” just to get you visit his site and earn from clickbacks.
Good luck on your quest/search. As making money on the internet is a sunrise industry, we hope you will join us and be a member of your local Chamber when you get to be successful and made a bundle of money blogging. Anyone who can help me monetize for our projects and the good of “everyone except me” is most welcome. In return, I maewrite for you.
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